Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 5

We made it!  Day 5 of Vacation Bible School 2011!  Even tonight on Day 5 we had at least 2 new kids walk though our doors!  Thank You God!

Tonight was Pre-Schools turn at Spotlight Drama!  They did great!  Thank You God!  They even showcased their talents during closing with their own Pandamania song!

This week the sound booth did a great job of helping us out!  Thank You God!
 Today alone we gathered $145.20 in offerings for Safe Harbor Mission.  That put us over our week long goal of $350.00 to make a grand total of $390.07 to go to Safe Harbor and the kids who are less fortunate than us.  Thank You God!
We're Wild.... 
We're wild... 
We're Wild About God!
Thanks for a great Vacation Bible School 2011!
We look forward to spending time with you this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00AM service to celebrate the love and accomplishments that happened over this week, sing songs from the week and watch a movie highlighting the week!
See you there!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crews 13,14,15

Last but not least of our 2011 VBS crews....Pre-school!

Crew 13

Crew 14

Crew 15

Snack and Wild Bible Adventures

Snack service tonight was a yummy pretzel frosted cross with sprinkles!  YUMMY!

During Wild Bible Adventures Andrew took the children to new heights explaining the story of God's love for us no matter what.  The kids were on an adventure through the church for their station this evening.   

Night 4

No surprises here...night 4 at VBS was a hit!

In crafts the kids made tie-dyed bags to go with our Mission project to Safe Harbor shelter.  While they were waiting for their turns they also made book marks that will go in the bags to the shelter.   

This is a sample of the bag

Crews 7-12

Crew 7

Crew 8

Crew 9

Crew 10

Crew 11

Crew 12


Pre-Schoolers have been making some great crafts!  Last night they made a Panda Mobile and finished their Panda picture frame.  Everyone is working hard and becoming really good listeners!

The pre-schoolers work on a sheet nightly  that overviews that nights bible point and character.  Look at that great coloring!