Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 5

We made it!  Day 5 of Vacation Bible School 2011!  Even tonight on Day 5 we had at least 2 new kids walk though our doors!  Thank You God!

Tonight was Pre-Schools turn at Spotlight Drama!  They did great!  Thank You God!  They even showcased their talents during closing with their own Pandamania song!

This week the sound booth did a great job of helping us out!  Thank You God!
 Today alone we gathered $145.20 in offerings for Safe Harbor Mission.  That put us over our week long goal of $350.00 to make a grand total of $390.07 to go to Safe Harbor and the kids who are less fortunate than us.  Thank You God!
We're Wild.... 
We're wild... 
We're Wild About God!
Thanks for a great Vacation Bible School 2011!
We look forward to spending time with you this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00AM service to celebrate the love and accomplishments that happened over this week, sing songs from the week and watch a movie highlighting the week!
See you there!

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